Squirting Tutorial

The SQUIRTESS is an innovative stimulation toy and can contribute to the squirting experience in three different ways. Firstly, it offers two different ways to squirt and can also train the pelvic floor.

Care recommendation

If you are interested in the pure technique, you can go straight to the point "Kunyaza". However, in order to squirt yourself or to make someone else squirt, it is best if you take care of the pleasure zones extensively and for a long time. A "cold start" is possible, but very unpleasant and not fulfilling. When squirting, the glandular tissue within the G-zone is emptied by exerting pressure outwards. The word "milking" may not be appealing in this context, but it describes the process quite well. Two things are very conducive to this: When the paraurethral gland is full and the surrounding tissue is well supplied with blood and plump. Both are caused by arousal. If you are pregnant or have a disease in the genital area, be sure to clarify beforehand whether squirting is suitable for you.

🤍 Take your time

Everything I describe below is not a real-time guide. With each individual event, it is important to take your time, repeat what is pleasant, and explore possibilities and individual preferences. Squirting in particular and pleasure in general are a gift that we give ourselves. Sensuality and pleasure are the main focus so that well-being, satisfaction and relaxation can set in. Incidentally, since every body is different, the flow can manifest itself in different ways. For some, it squirts, for others, it flows. Everything is normal. There is no right or wrong. Squirting occurs most naturally as a result of previous pleasure. So if you have already experienced physical self-love or togetherness shortly before or directly before.

🤍 The cycle

We are not the same every day. Just before your period, it can be harder to elicit squirting. The uterus is lower and the cervix is ​​closer to the exit and may get in the way, which can limit the dynamics. Depending on your body type, this can also be beneficial. Find out for yourself what differences in your cycle show up for you and your body when it comes to squirting. Accept your daily form, both mentally and physically, lovingly and plan your time accordingly. And if it doesn't work out, you're still OK. The journey is the pleasure! Even if you don't reach "the goal".

🤍 The preparation

Squirting is not a fancy skill that can be forced. It works best when you create a comfortable atmosphere. This can mean something different for each individual. Whatever you need to get in the mood, give yourself time for yourself and enjoy your or your partner's undisturbed time for self-love.

Squirting is not the same as peeing. But to be safe and to feel comfortable, it is recommended that you visit the pee room again immediately beforehand or in between.

Choose a lubricant that suits you. This can be a lubricant gel, coconut oil or a gentle massage oil. The Squirtess is compatible with all of these options. The squirt liquid is not slippery, but rather makes the area numb. It is therefore advisable to ensure lubrication every now and then.

🤍 The position

Find a comfortable position on your back. For squirting, it is recommended that you can lean slightly higher. A pillow under your bottom makes squirting even easier. The legs are opened and bent. It is also very good to bend them so far that you lift your feet. It is also up to you whether you move your hand over or under your leg to reach your G-zone. You can decide all of this as you wish and feel comfortable.

This is an example of a position. You can find out for yourself which position feels best for you.

As described above, squirting is about forcing the liquid out through internal pressure.

The position helps if it is chosen in such a way that internal pressure is created, for example by bending the legs. Alternatively, you can also squat and experiment with other positions.

🤍 The secret

The well-intentioned advice "Relax and let go" is, in my opinion, a little misleading when it comes to squirting. Yes, it is helpful to be open, to lovingly put aside any concerns that something like peeing might happen. And even if it does. This is something completely natural. At this point, I would like to very selfishly recommend the waterproof blanket from the SQUIRTESS shop . This will keep the surface nice and dry. That way you have one less thing on your mind and can let go even more. But once you feel what is happening in your genital area during "normal sex", it is an alternation of relaxation and tension. An interplay of all the small muscles that are involved in lovemaking.

And you can use these muscles. To get a feel for it, I recommend inserting the larger side of the Squirtess a little. Only far enough so that the tip disappears. You can also use another toy. Then try to push the Squirtess out. This will show you how you can play with the pressure outwards. This is the opposite movement to pelvic floor training, where the same muscle region is used to hold something in. Explore this difference and observe how it feels. This will help you get to know yourself even better there. Because when you are aroused and when you squirt, this exact muscle movement occurs outwards. Relaxation occurs in your head when you allow yourself to let go and, in the best sense of the word, you no longer care about anything.

This is one of the things that the Squirtess is designed for: to calmly approach the "letting go point" step by step, without any external expectations and at your own pace.

🤍 The desire

Enjoy and stimulate yourself to initiate pleasurable squirting. Some vagina owners report that squirting can work purely physically without a warm-up phase. But this can be very unpleasant and completely misses the point of providing pleasure. A feeling of emptiness spreads. We strive for fulfillment. Sensuality, excitement and stimulation of the entire region create the best conditions for squirting. This can be done through your preferred form of self-love, but you can also use the two ends of the Squirtess to pamper your vulva, lips and clitoris, depending on your mood. These swell, exert gentle pressure inside and thus promote squirting in a completely natural way. The G-zone also swells. The squirt fluid collects there in the internal paraurethral gland.

🤍 Repetitions

Squirting is pleasure over a longer period of time. Like the ebb and flow of the tide. Once the squirt fluid has come out, there is a break because the reservoir is empty. Further stimulation of the entire region refills the paraurethral gland and you can go into the next round if you want.

🤍 First squirting method: Kunyaza

In Rwanda, this sexual practice has always seemed to be a natural part of lovemaking. It involves alternating penetration and tapping the vulva, labia and perineum with the penis. On the one hand, penetration increases arousal, increases blood flow and causes swelling. On the other hand, tapping provides further stimulation and triggers squirting. I will describe this technique first, as it can lead to squirting quite involuntarily and sensitize the feeling. Although tapping seems a little harder, it is actually a gentle method.

Both sides of the squirtess can penetrate, increasing the excitement and causing the pleasure zones to swell. To use the tapping technique with her, hold the squirtess on the side with the "pelvic floor knob" and gently tap your vulva and lips with the large, smooth surface. A good trick: take your free hand, place it on the upper part of your vulva, apply pressure and pull the area towards you so that your lips stretch. Remember to do the "pushing out" movement you practiced before! Find out how quickly and with what pressure this muscle movement and tapping is comfortable for you. More intense pressure can trigger squirting more easily.

🤍 Second squirting method: "Come here"

When performing this squirt technique, one or more fingers are inserted into the vagina with the palm of the hand facing the abdominal wall. There, shortly after the entrance, the so-called G-spot, or more accurately the G-zone, can be felt. A ridged area that protrudes from the vaginal wall about the size of a date. Underneath is the Skene's gland (paraurethral gland). It produces the squirt fluid. If this area is stimulated, it fills with squirt and swells. In order to start the "sacred" flow, as ancient cultures liked to call it, the fingers repeatedly perform a "come here" movement. In addition to bending the fingers, they are gently pulled out of the vagina and then reinserted in a straight position. This is repeated at different speeds and with adjusted pressure depending on preference. This brings out the squirt fluid.

The Squirtess has a unique design that makes this process possible thanks to its special shape. When you insert the Squirtess, it hugs the G-zone. When you pull it out, the curve at the tip does exactly what your fingers would do. The G-spot is stimulated. You determine the speed, pressure and angle. Experiment with what feels good for you. The paraurethral gland, also known as the Skene gland, has filled up with squirt fluid. The Squirtess's shape now promotes the release of the "sacred" flow, as some ancient cultures called it. Here, too, the tricks of stretching the lips and the "pushing out" movement of the inner muscles can promote the release. Now you can alternate between stimulating and enjoying the flow.

🤍 Pelvic floor training

Strengthened pelvic floor muscles are also very beneficial for squirting. With the Squirtess you can play tug of war with yourself using the shorter side. Once the smaller side is inserted, make sure that the thickening is behind the muscles. Now you pull the toy in with your muscles while holding it. In contrast to Kegel training , for example with Yoni eggs, you have an accurate idea of ​​how strong your pelvic floor is because you literally have the training in your own hands. Both types have their advantages. Now you have another option to choose from.

🤍 Squirting instructions without a toy

A detailed description of how you can squirt alone without a toy or how to make another person squirt is sent to you at the end of this short survey .

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