Guys who suddenly text late at night

Guys who suddenly text late at night

For "User" ( Download voice message)

We would like to inform you that the user is not available for communication at this time. It can be assumed that you are bored and/or your erectile tissue is active. We also assume that the options for communication partners that you have prioritized so far have been exhausted. Please note that this user is neither an entertainment program nor a gap filler. We advise you to refrain from further contact.

For "Users" ( Download voice message)

We would like to inform you that the user is not available for communication at this time. It can be assumed that you are bored and/or your erectile tissue is active. We also assume that the options for communication partners that you have prioritized so far have been exhausted. Please note that this user is neither an entertainment program nor a gap filler. We advise you to refrain from further contact.

The voice messages are created with effort and a lot of love! If you want and are able to, I would be happy to receive a small monetary energy exchange in the amount of your choosing. ❤️

Leave 1€ or more HERE

Since you're here, you must be from TikTok! I have a code for you with which you can order my invention a little cheaper if you like: TOKTOKGIRLS120
(of course this also works if you are not a girl ❤️)
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Individual voice recording

Would you like a tailor-made voice recording?

For your situation with a guy? With "Dear Thomas", details and everything in the usual TikTok style?

Then take a look here!

The most feminine toy in the world

Noble femininity!

An innovative toy especially for squirting. Boost your self-confidence, rediscover femininity, experience deep relaxation through squirting! Without a man! Or with. Just the way you like it!

For squirting instructions!

Wet? Whatever!

The waterproof blanket

Doesn't crackle, is nice and soft and keeps the sofa dry.

To the ceiling

Podcast featuring Jeanne

Taboo facts

Shameless, respectful & NO TABOO!

This podcast doesn't mince words. In a special episode of "Untaboo Facts" I talk to Tim about squirting, we reveal tricks and share our experiences.

On Spotify and everywhere podcasts are available!

Listen to episode

Contraception or desire to have children - you decide

trackle cycle computer

Hormone-free contraception using a sensor system. trackle is a certified natural contraceptive. It always measures your temperature at the same time while you sleep!

By clicking on the button or the code SQUIRTESS you will receive 10% discount on the trackle cycle computer sensor system.

Get 10% off trackle