Guys who ghost
for user ( download voice message)
The time limit for replying to an ongoing conversation has been exceeded. You have been classified as socially random by this user and have lost interest. We are sorry to have to tell you this. Perhaps you can work on your communication skills and do better with another user in the future.
The time limit for replying to an ongoing conversation has been exceeded. You have been deemed socially random by this user and have lost interest. We are sorry to have to tell you this. Perhaps you can work on your communication skills and do better with another user in the future.
for user in formal form (voice message download )
The voice messages are created with effort and a lot of love! If you want and are able to, I would be happy to receive a small monetary energy exchange in the amount of your choosing. ❤️for users ( download voice message)
The time limit for replying to an ongoing conversation has been exceeded. You have been classified as socially random by this user and have lost interest. We are sorry to have to tell you this. Perhaps you can work on your communication skills and do better with another user in the future.
for users in formal form (voice message download )
The time limit for replying to an ongoing conversation has been exceeded. You have been classified as socially random by this user and have lost interest. We are sorry to inform you of this. Perhaps you can work on your communication skills and do better with another user in the future.
Being ghosted sucks. Everything was going well, hopes for a fulfilling relationship were high. And then suddenly nothing. What to do?
The best thing is nothing. The person is clearly not interested. The reasons are varied and usually have nothing to do with you. This voice message is intended to be sent to a ghoster and then blocked. Not to get him to react or win him back. It is simply intended to allow you to have at least a little fun in this unpleasant situation.